Louise Morse, Dementia – Pathways to Hope (Monarch 2015, £7.99)
Passionate and compassionate, Louise Morse writes with authority about the increasingly feared modern ‘plague’ we know as dementia. Working with Pilgrim Homes (such as Framlands) many of whose clients suffer from dementia, she has extensive experience of its different forms.
This book does much to remove the sting from those who face the condition in themselves, their family or their friends. It does contain signposts to that elusive element in dementia – hope. The book is packed with examples, practical advice and accessible medical information. Louise is not afraid to criticise national policies, and commend them occasionally! She challenges and helps churches and church leaders to meet the needs of sufferers and carers. She encourages carers in their often lonely life with practical tips and Biblical wisdom.
Dementia is something we will all meet sooner or later. Christians are called to love, and a part of loving is understanding. I learned a lot from this book. I am sure you will too. Do read it.
Michael Wenham
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